
cane in spiaggia
Opening Period: 17th May – 21st September 2025


  1. The rental of beach equipment and related services provided to our customers include the following: the use of an umbrella with a tray, 2 seats, the use of toilets, showers and changing rooms in shifts, the use of assistance from the operators and animation. Bibione Spiaggia s.r.l is also involved, due to legal obligations in rescue activities and first aid; in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Regulations for the Use of the coastal area and by the Municipal Ordinance – Discipline of Water Activities. The use of games is not supervised and hence is free.

2. All those who use the rental beach equipment and related services provided by Bibione Spiaggia srl (Referred to above in point n ° 1) state at the time of booking to be aware of and accept this regulation without any exceptions and to be in possession of a copy.

3. The validity of periodical subscriptions and daily tickets are subject to strict compliance on behalf of customers to the conditions set out in this Regulation. It is agreed with express agreement, that the violation of even one of the conditions required in this Regulation, entitles Bibione Spiaggia srl to withdraw from the provision of services, resulting in a loss for the customer of the sums paid for that purpose.

4. The customer must keep with him on the beach all documentation proving his right to benefit from the beach services, to be able to show it upon request of the company personnel responsible for controls. People, who are not in possession of a ticket and are caught using the equipment of the plant, will have to pay the full price of the place occupied on the beach for the whole day.

5. If you lose your receipt, duplicates may be issued. The first is issued for free, the next one is charged.

6. Subscriptions are not refundable under any circumstances (such as second thoughts, bad weather, high tides, storm surges, natural disasters, etc.)

7. If you would like to change your place, this may be done only at the ticket office on the beach. The first change of place is free, subsequent changes require a payment.

8. Bibione Spiaggia Srl reserves the right to grant requests coming from users which are not envisaged in these regulations and in any case charging a fee for the necessary administrative procedures.

9. Only for holders of vouchers-coupons: please deliver the voucher / coupon at the ticket office for the assignment of a spot on the beach. You cannot occupy a spot on the beach without assignment.

10. Only for holders of vouchers-coupons: the assignment of a spot on the beach by means of vouchers and/or coupons may be carried out for a maximum period of 4 weeks which may be extended up to 8 weeks only upon presentation of a copy of the lease of the apartment.

11. For each place on the beach, it is possible, as a supplement, the allocation of either, n ° 1 sun bed or bed or n ° 1 beach chair (for each place on the beach only 1 supplement is allowed) except in areas which have already been provided with n ° 3 seats. In the sectors with 2 sunbeds it is possible to request one additional deckchair or director’s chair.

12. Beach chairs or sun beds cannot be removed from other spots on the beach.

13. Beach chairs and sun beds cannot be moved from place to place so as not to invade the adjacent spaces.

14. Each umbrella can accommodate up to four people, so it is recommended to not exceed this presence to avoid unpleasant crowding.

15. It is not permissible to commit misconduct, improper behaviour or anything, which is likely to cause nuisance to other customers. Where inappropriate misconduct were to occur, an immediate obligation to leave the plant will be foreseen and the customer may be subject to complaint to the public security or a request may be filed for any prejudice suffered.

16. The Management reserves the right not to accept bookings from individuals or families who in the past have had misconduct or prejudicial behaviour to Bibione Spiaggia srl and / or to customers.

17. Bibione Spiaggia s.r.l is the only person entitled to add rows besides those present, and the customer will be repositioned while maintaining as far as possible the same conditions of the beach spot previously assigned.

18. We inform our customers that if necessary due to Bibione Spiaggia srl’s needs it will be agreed, upon notice, the assignment of a different place on the beach.

19. The customer must use the equipment, taking care not to damage it and is obliged to promptly notifying the Department of Bibione Spiaggia srl of any prospective malfunctioning of the latter. Users are required to pay any damage caused (due to their gross negligence or fault) of the equipment owned by Bibione Spiaggia srl.

20. Because of possible acts of vandalism of the beach material during the night,we recommend to control it before using. Our staff is at your disposition for any problem.

21. The Management of Bibione Spiaggia s.r.l is not liable for any reason of objects and / or materials owned by the customer that are damaged or stolen inside and outside the concession, so it is recommended to always keep valuables, money in general, clothing, toys, blankets, and any other personal items with you both day and night.

22. The strip of beach between the first row of beach umbrellas and the white and red pegs must remain free.

23. It is forbidden to place in the spaces and in the areas under concession to the Bibione Spiaggia srl any personal beach chairs, beds, umbrellas, parasols, curtains and any other extraneous equipment that does not belong to Bibione Spiaggia srl. To maintain the pleasant decorum of the establishment it is also forbidden to hang towels around the beach umbrellas.

24. Sports activities and games such as (volleyball, soccer, bowling, etc..) are permitted only in the Hinterlands sectors. We accept no responsibility for damage or injury caused by sports.

25. For reasons related to the safety of tourists, the holes dug in the beach for the game and that must have small size must be always held.

26. Animals of any species cannot be brought into the establishment even if muzzles or leashes are used, with the exception of guide dogs for the blind.

27. It is forbidden to move inside the plant with bicycles or other means that may cause damage to people and equipment.

28. Baths, sinks and showers should be left clean and tidy. You may not use shampoo and shower gel in the showers on the beach.

29. Any waste should be placed in special containers. It is forbidden to deposit them even momentarily anywhere else.

30. You must not throw cigarette butts or other rubbish on the beach.

31. Bibione beach is Smoke Free. The area stretches from the water’s edge to the last row of umbrellas, therefore, also within the organized sectors. Smoking is permitted in the kiosks and in the area behind the umbrellas, in areas specifically denoted to smokers.

32. It is forbidden to have beach umbrellas, beach chairs, sun beds or other things of hindrance to the passage of people and swimmers within 5 meters from the shoreline. In the presence of beaches where swimming may occur, the ban also extends beyond five meters from the shoreline to the first row of umbrellas.

33. It is forbidden to light fires on the beach, offenders of this rule will be reported to the competent authorities of Public Safety.

34. GAMES EQUIPMENT – The use of games by children should be in the presence of parents or adults who have custody. The management declines any liability for improper use of equipment. Do not climb on games that have been wet from the rain. It is dangerous to eat during the use of games. Wear appropriate clothing to for the use of the specific game (without loose strings, laces and dangling ends). First Aid number: 118. You can report breakage or deterioration of the games at the following number: 0431/439671

Meaning of the flag displayed:
RED: danger or lack of rescue services- Bathing is not recommended.
In cases in which the sea state is considered to be dangerous, or where there is danger, the red flag will be hoisted. With this signal, it is not recommended to swim and Bibione Spiaggia srl disclaims any responsibility towards those who fail to comply with this warning. In days of high wind, umbrellas will remain strictly closed. Every customer in these circumstances is obliged to observe and comply with the provisions of the beach personnel.
It is forbidden to play around and on the rescue boat, or to touch the facilities intended for rescue purposes. It is also forbidden to be in the vicinity of the rescue tower.
The customer must comply with the provisions contained in this Regulation, which are in the Ordinances of the Municipality of San Michele al Tagliamento and the Harbour of Caorle, as well as the Municipal Regulations for the Use of the coastal area. The documents are displayed at the entrance of the establishment. Failure to comply will result in the offender being obliged to leave the establishment.

36. Tourists are informed that a nighttime security and surveillance service is in operation to protect the beach establishment. After 10:00 PM, the use of equipment owned by Bibione Spiaggia Srl (beach umbrellas, gazebos, sunbeds, deck chairs, etc.) is prohibited. However, walking is still allowed. It is forbidden to move inside the plant with bicycles, electric scooters, scooters, unicycles, skateboards or other means that may cause damage to people and equipment.

For any further clarification, please contact the ticket office staff.

VAT ID 02798770273 - - - 2024 © Bibione Spiaggia Srl